WARNING: Limited Spots For This 6-Month Speaker/Author Accelerator 


How To Become a Certified (and paid) Speaker and
Best Selling Author in Less Than 6 Months

Former TV Host & small business owner turned global transformational paid speaker to thousands and best selling author, who has shared stages with Dean Graziosi, Olympic Athlete Amy Purdy, Influencers Chris & Lori Harder, Survivor TV Star Nicole Capper, Tim Grover (performance coach to Michael Jordan & Kobe Bryant) and many more, spoken at major companies, colleges & non-profit organizations - agrees to pull the curtain back on how she can charge $19,102 for her keynotes PLUS how becoming a best selling author sky-rocketed her influence in a matter of weeks, just to prove it works.

Featured In:

You’re an expander...an expert in your field (or emerging as one)...

You’ve spent countless hours honing your craft, building your reputation, your personal brand, and investing in yourself as a wealth of knowledge.

People look to you for answers, for guidance, for inspiration.

Deep down, you know you have a powerful message to share with the world. A message that can transform lives, solve problems, and create real impact.

You know you're on your way to being a category queen and it's not because you think it's all about you, but because you know what you carry is meant to impact lives...like, a LOT of lives.

But here’s the thing: You’re either not getting paid what you’re worth or you're doing ok but you *just know* there's something more out there for you.

You’re stuck on the hamster wheel of free or (maybe) low-paying speaking engagements, endless pitches, and the constant rejection that comes with chasing after crumbs. You’ve been told to "build your platform" or "create more content" as if that’s the magic formula for landing a five or six-figure keynote.

​Here's another thing: You also know you've got a book inside of you bubbling at the surface, just waiting to come out (or you at least understand the power that the title "author" has when it comes to being an expert in your industry...you know if you were to write one, that it's meant to transform lives but you're stuck on a blank page or the thought of writing an entire book seems like an overwhelming endless time suck that your calendar has no space for.

But you're tired of the grind. Tired of feeling the "divine discontentment" that you can no longer ignore. Tired of settling for less than you deserve. Tired of the "thanks but no thanks" when it comes to pitching your speech to all the event hosts.

You’ve tried everything. You've invested in countless coaching programs and courses, watched the TedTalks, googled how to write a best seller, bought every book under the sun, and attended countless conferences to "make the connections".

You’ve poured your heart and soul into growing your brand, standing out online, even crafting the perfect speaker bio, and the most engaging presentation....you even have stories that you pecked out on your keyboard that are collecting digital dust on a google doc for your "book" and you've vowed that "next year is the year..." as *yet another* year passes that it didn't happen...

...But it’s like banging your head against a brick wall. You’re still stuck in the same old cycle of rejection and disappointment, staring at blank pages that don't write themselves or worse, still speaking for free with no book in hand when you know you should be getting paid and be a best selling author by now.

The fear creeps in.

Doubt starts to eat away at you.

Maybe you’re not good enough.

Maybe your message isn’t compelling enough.

Maybe you’re simply not meant for the big stage.

​Maybe you don't have what it takes

You look at your peers who are commanding high end speaker fees and landing on big stages and wonder what their secret is.

You see (yet another) friend hit the best seller list and see her brand sky-rocket in credibility, wondering why that isn't you.

You feel like you're starting to BLEND IN with all the noise in your industry instead of stand out like you used to.

You somehow went from pioneering your big dream to finding yourself in the middle of the pack, sounding like everyone else.

You feel like you're just another face in the audience with your internal hand raised waiting for your turn while your soul *knows* you should be up there on that stage.

​The pressure is immense.


But still, you have this inner knowing that you're being called into EXPANSION...

...to share your message in a bigger way...

You believe that your story will impact a LOT of lives in a big way.

That still small voice - that inner knowing - whispers and invites you - creating such an undeniable divine discontentment that can no longer be contained!

The message on your heart, the value you offer to others and your story HAS to come out.

You were meant to make a major IMPACT.

You’re desperate and determined to break free from this cycle of mediocrity and finally achieve the recognition, the impact and financial reward you deserve.

Sound familiar?

My friend - You’re not alone.

Thousands of experts just like you are trapped in this same agonizing situation.

​​I used to be too...

hi, i'm Charity Majors

Besides being a wife, mom, and recovering

plant killer 🤣, I'm also a girl who decided to

turn my mess into my message...

I'm a career paid speaker and author of multiple books and journals that
impact peoples lives all around the world...

​I've built a successful speaking career and shared the spotlight with industry giants like Dean Graziosi, Lori Harder, olympic athlete Amy Purdy, global leader Hayley Braun, Survivor TV Start Nicole Capper, Tim Grover (performance coach to Michael Jordan & Kobe Bryant) and more...I've spoken at major companies, universities and non-profit organizations, as well as been trained by industry experts like Lisa Nichols, Russel Brunson, Jack Canfield, John Maxwell, Gabby Bernstein, and more... I've build a powerful network, been featured on multiple TV channels (including having a TV show for 5 years), news articles, made top 6 in the world in pageantry, been on the cover of magazines, and am now not only the author of multiple impactful journals and books (including my #1 release and best seller, "Meant For More; Igniting Your Purpose in a World That Tries to Dim Your Light").​

​I'm also the founder of a global brand that impacts women all around the world and empowers women to be seen, heard and known in a much bigger way and to belong to an incredible network of other high-achieving women

But it wasn't always that way...

And a handful of years ago, I was in a much different place…

From the outside, it looked like I was doing ok in life…

​But behind the curtain…oh my friend, behind the curtain was a completely different story.

​I was experiencing some success within my business as I failed forward "successfully" (kinda) but I never really gained the TRUE MOMENTUM I knew was out there... 😅

...truth be told, I always felt like I was "in the middle..." - not quite where I used to be but so far from where I know I'm meant to be. 🥵

​I kept trying over and over to have the 6-figure launch that would *finally* land me the title of "expert" only to be left with lackluster results and a pile of unused domain names and IG accounts in the "idea grave-yard." ☠️😬

I launched offer after offer hoping "this one" was the 7-figure golden ticket that would have me recognized as an authority in my industry only to still be sitting in the audience instead of having an invitation on stage. 🥺

I kept going to "all the events" and listening and reading "all the personal development" material because that's where you get that "game-changing breakthrough, right? That's "what you do" in order to "make it" to where I just knew I would be one day...right? 🥴...

​​I knew I had a lot to offer and that my story could help others, but I wasn't reaching all the people I *just knew* I should be reaching... 🫤

Something inside of me just knew I was Meant For More…


Then one day, in the midst of reading the email of *yet another* declined speaking engagement pitch, it hit me like a TON of bricks (or more like a box of dominos)...

My son was playing with dominos near by, and he kept trying to knock over a big box with little dominos. He kept trying and trying and trying but no matter how he arranged them it wasn't working...he couldn't knock down the big domino...he was so frustrated and wanted to give up.

My heart sank as I could relate and felt like that was a representation of where I was at in my business. #ugh

​I got real honest with myself and I *knew* that what I was doing wasn't working.

And what's the definition of insanity?

​It's doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

I was "majoring in the minors."  (and majoring in the minors does NOT get you to "Category Queen" or onto stages much less...)

Those dominos hit me with the "ah-ha moment" that I was trying to use little dominos to knock over the big one...you know, the little things like content creation, email list build campaigns, funnel optimization, 6-figure launches, podcast episodes, high-ticket offers, product suite development, freebiesonline courses, blah blah blah...

Now, I know what you're thinking...

"THOSE are the little things?! But Charity, I thought those WERE the things you DO to become an expert?!"

I used to think that too, but not anymore - so stick with me for a sec while I pull back the curtain on what will *actually* skyrocket your expansion into "Category Queen" instead of doing what keeps you spinning your wheels on the small dominos that don't move the needle forward in a BIG way...

After watching my son for a bit longer, I saw a moment where his eyes light up with a "light bulb moment" 💡 and all of a sudden he shifted his game plan...

​​He set up his dominos like before, but this time, instead of using the small dominos to try and knock over the big box, he used the big box to knock over the little dominos!

And BOOM! They all toppled over! My son jumped up and down with the sweet feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT, SUCCESS and VICTORYHe DID IT!  🥳

​My mama's heart was overflowing with joy for him, and after giving him a huge hug and telling him how proud I was for sticking with it, for not giving up, and for finding a solution that worked, I had my own light-bulb moment...

​As I hugged my son, BAM! 💡 I remembered the concept of "THE BIG DOMINO" that one of my mentors had shared a while back and instantly, I knew how to change my game plan...

​I ran back to my office and...I...

...watched a video...

​"...waaaaaiiiiitttttt, wwwhhhhaaattttt???"

​Just keep reading, ok??

It wasn't just any video... it was when one of my mentors, Russel Brunson shared about how our goal, as entrepreneurs, is to KNOCK DOWN THE BIG DOMINO...

...you know when you get that realization that there's something that you missed the first time around??

​It's the whole: "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear" concept...

​​I had missed it before (or maybe I wasn't ready for it before), but not any more...

​​​And now, I was READY...



I skimmed through the video to find the section with advice about my BIG DOMINO...

THE thing that would knock down all the other little dominos in my small business world...

​​My eyes lit up with a reignited inner-fire and I immediately changed my game plan (just like I saw in my son do) and I now had the CLARITY and the CONFIDENCE (and BIG DOMINO game plan) for the mission that I went on and boy, did it...change...everything...

*(insert the rocket-ship momentum that got me to where I am today with all those fancy accomplishments, connections, invitations onto BIG stages, being able to charge $19,102 for one keynote message, major media features, a TV show, podcast tours, books, and lives impacted  that you read about before)... (aka no more little dominos)...
​​And I'm going to save you a lot of time, money and heart-ache and reveal the secrets of what I found on my journey...

​Are you ready?! 🚀

​Here's the BIG DOMINO...


did you know that the easiest way to gain traction & credibility isn't making 7-figures, a 6-figure launch or creating (yet another) offer?? 💡

I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about having a successful business, and while that is important, I’m going to share three secrets with you today that’s going to revolutionize the way you show up in the world.

So what is the most important thing - THE BIG DOMINO - when it comes to standing out as the go-to expert and becoming a category queen??

Are you ready?! (insert drumrollllllllllllll)....... 🥁
​First, let's remind ourselves what the BIG DOMINO IS NOT that will help us to become a well-known authority and expert in the quickest way:

AKA these are the little domino's that are the LOOONNNNGGGG WWAAAAAYYYYY to becoming an industry expert:

  • 6 - Figure Launch
  • 7 - Figure Business
  • Taking Selfies With Influencers
  • Growing Your Email List
  • Having (yet another) branding photoshoot
  • Creating Fancy Content on Canva
  • High Ticket (or mid, or low, or freebie) Offers
  • Pitching Other People's Stages to Speak
  • The Latest Trend on Social Media To Get More Followers
  • Sitting in the Audience at All The Events

Ok, now that we reminded ourselves of what all the little domino's are, here's what the BIG DOMINO IS:


It’s becoming a
Platform Powerhouse.

Becoming a speaker and author
was the pivotal shift in my career that skyrocketed my influence,
income and impact.

It’s the unfair advantage
to exponentially amplify your reach and influence, positioning you as an industry expert, generating high-ticket income streams, and opening doors to exclusive opportunities.

So I’m going to share with you 3 secrets about becoming a platform powerhouse and how you can becoming a highly sought-after expert in your field with a substantial income stream, a powerful personal brand, and a platform to influence and inspire others.

And I know what you’re probably thinking: "I'm already busy running my business. Can I really commit this much time?"

I’m going to show you a great way you can instantly incorporate this into your daily business routine and get amazing results:

3 secrets about becoming a
platform powerhouse

So, the first secret is, experts are not born, they're built.

The big idea here is you need to BUILD the platform to leverage and to BUILD yourself as a credible expert.

​This is important because most women in business are building the wrong thing.

They're building product suites, funnels, a social media following, the perfect carousel on instagram, stuff like that...! (just like I was! These are the little dominos)...

The second secret is you have to differentiate yourself from the masses by taking a STAND.

The main thing to understand here is that if you sound like every other competitor out there, all you do is blend in with the crowd...(how many times can we hear "women supporting women" without it blending in...oh wait...that's what it does...)

​This means there's strategy to "taking a stand" and becoming a leader worth following or to take over as THE category queen with a message that can be monetized.

The third secret is content, content content.

Your content has to SHOW, not just TELL.

But this is the frustrating "chicken or the egg" concept - how do you speak more without more content of you speaking? And how do you get more content of you speaking without speaking more?

​This is key because you can't just say you're a speaker without content of you speaking.

And you can't leverage platforms without the credibility of something like a BOOK.

what others are saying:

Now, I know what you’re thinking.

It’s "This sounds great, but how do I actually implement these secrets?"

​Or maybe you're thinking "well duh, I've been trying to get on stages but no one lets me on their platform..."

Or maybe you're ready to focus on your craft as a communicator and put some real intention behind it...

Regardless of what those thoughts are, here's what I've found:

The tricky thing is that it's not that being a speaker or author - you know, that "Platform Powerhouse" - isn't that far out of reach...it's actually that there's an underlying fear...and it's often the fear of the unknown or the fear of what other's may think (aka the "who does she think she is") (my personal biggest hurdle when I first started on this journey).

Maybe it's the fear of being seen in a much bigger way.

You might be questioning your ability to step outside your comfort zone, take risks, and invest in yourself.

There's also an underlying concern about whether this new path will truly lead to the desired outcome!

And because I've been in your shoes and learned A LOT along the way,

(and because one of my personal core beliefs is
that the lessons we pick up along our journey 
are meant to be passed on to help others
...just like this quote says (and yes, I shared this message with an amazing audience in a huge stadium):

"The purpose of life is to discover your gift.

​The work of life is to develop it.

​The meaning of life is to give your gift away."

I couldn't not put together a mentorship container that helped give you the easier (and shorter) route than the long round about-lots of lessons learned the hard way and lots of money - journey that I had to take...

Because of my heart to serve and pass on the lessons I had, I started taking what I'd learned along the way and sharing them with other women...

​And want to know what happened??

THEY started to get AMAZING results!
(remember that my company is founded on empowering women to be seen, heard and known in a much bigger way?! It was inspired by this very thing)!

​Simon Sinek likes to call this "your Why

Putting women on stage and empowering them to be Platform Powerhouses
is kinda my thing now 🥹 #MyWhy

**(but for real... I've put 100+ women on stages
and and taught them how to lead from the front of the room
​and it has been so FULFILLING to see THEM rise)! 🥹

Because of my passion to see other women RISE and USE THEIR VOICE in a powerful way and because the women I've worked with have seen INCREDIBLE RESULTS, we decided it...was...time...

I’ve created this program you can go from blank page to best seller and from the audience to the stage in JUST 6 months (and yes, it happens that quick when you get out of learning and into ACTION)!

​​DISCLAIMER:  This isn't your everyday mentorship program.

Other programs have some sort of training and mentor that walks along side you giving you their lessons (which is great), but it still leaves you actually doing a DIY - aka BUILDING the platform that you need in order to actually get all the stuff you learned about to work (trust me, I've been in them, paid a LOT of money for them, and this is pretty much what's out there).

DIY platforms take a lot of time, money & work:

I remember spending $25,000 on (just one) of the *many* mentorship programs I was a part of over the years and learned some great stuff...

Buuuuuutttttt...I found that after learning all this great stuff about writing a book, I still had to then go out and do all the things to make a book actually get published...things like hire and pay for a book editor, make a book cover, format the inside of the book, learn how the heck to publish a book, and that doesn't even include the actual MARKETING of the book to actually SELL copies and hit best seller!

Me literally getting a shipment of books printed
packing them up and sending them out.
It takes FOREVER.

BTS of me finding a venue for one of my first events where I negotiated the contract, did the set up for the event,  the marketing to fill the event and then speaking at the event and then cleaning up after. AKA becoming an event planner, marketer & janitor...
This is a LOT of work and a LOT of time.

I then also had to not just learn about how to stand on stage and deliver an impactful speech, but to go out and figure out how to put on an *actual* event - I had to find the venue, negotiate the cost and contract, get the stage and room decor (because hello, it's gotta look good), not to mention figure out market an event and how to get *actual butts in seats* to fill the event, find the volunteers and basically become an event planner and coordinator to create the platform that I wanted to be on!​

Learning to DIY a platform was fine and dandy, but I also realized that:

I didn't come this far in my business to all of a sudden have to learn how to become a book editor, publicist, janitor or event planner...

​And my guess is that neither did you...right?

Now, don't get me wrong... I learned a LOT in those programs I invested in...

But I found that I learned a lot of HOW TO do things instead of WHO could do them for me...

And in the entrepreneural world, the dream killer (or at least the loooonnnngggg road) is the constant time suck of the "HOW TO" detour.

There's always something else to learn HOW to do...

The fast track isn't learning HOW to do something,
it's learning WHO can do it for you.

If you want to learn HOW TO be an event planner or HOW TO edit, format and publish a book, then this isn't the program for you.

"How-to coaching" is not only a dime-a-dozen (and you could prob. just ChatGPT the info) but it's like wanting to drive a car but having to build the car before you drive it.

You don't need to learn how to build the vehicle to drive it.

"how to"


"done for you"



Knowing that instead of a "how to" program (aka the long way) I wanted to give you the short cut - the DONE FOR YOU - type of thing that would cut out the yeeeeaaarrrrrrssss of learning HOW to do all the things like I went through...so we put together a different kind of program (aka getting driving the vehicle instead of having to building it before driving it).

One that wasn't just information, but APPLICATION...

One that didn't take you out of your zone of genius by learning HOW to do (yet another) thing but to actually put you in the spotlight sharing your zone of genius with a DONE FOR YOU PLATFORM.

​One that had you not just learning about creating a platform but BEING on a Platform as the Platform Powerhouse that you are with a message and microphone in hand (and signing copies of your book to boot)!

We've taken the certified speaker training and paired it with an actual EVENT and platform that you get to speak on!

We've taken the writing camp and paired it with an actual published book that you are a co-author of, and with the help of book marketing experts, we aim to hit best seller!

It's not just the concepts that you're learning about - it's the *actual* platforms that are built with you and for you for you to step up on (without having to become an event planner or book publisher, or pay the 6-figures that it takes to learn and do these things on your own)..

​And the best part?? It wont take you yeeeaaarrrrsssss like it did for me.

​We do this in 6 months (with the content to prove it)!


This program will transform you from an aspiring expert to a highly sought-after thought leader with a proven platform to reach your audience and generate significant income. Essentially, ExpandHer Platform provides a shortcut to success by eliminating the guesswork and overwhelming tasks associated with building a substantial platform from scratch!

Imagine a proven system that takes you from obscurity to the keynote stage and from blank page to best seller in just 6 months.

A system that not only guides you to craft a compelling message, unveils the strategies to book high-paying speaking engagements AND provides the stage to speak on. It's the program that will equip you to write your story AND become a published author with a collaborative co-authored book that we collectively market to hit best-seller status.

That’s exactly what the ExpandHer Platform program offers.

It is a transformative program designed to elevate expanding female leaders into influential speakers and bestselling authors in order to leverage the platform to make a major impact. By providing expert mentorship, comprehensive training, and strategic partnerships, ExpandHer Platform empowers participants to overcome their fears, build and leverage the platform, and achieve significant career advancements.

Think of it like a speaker training AND the stage to speak on plus co-authoring a book with 10-20 other writers that we publish and market TOGETHER in order to hit best seller.

​Our proprietary "Major Impact M.E.S.S.E.N.G.E.R. Framework" speaker certification and "Big Impact Book Publishing" is the core of this transformative program. It’s a step-by-step blueprint designed to unlock your potential as a world-class speaker & author.

But education without implementation isn't worth jack, right?

Think of it like a speaker training AND the stage to speak on plus co-authoring a book with 10-20 other writers that we publish and market TOGETHER in order to hit best seller.

​Our proprietary "Major Impact M.E.S.S.E.N.G.E.R. Framework" speaker certification and "Big Impact Book Publishing" is the core of this transformative program. It’s a step-by-step blueprint designed to unlock your potential as a world-class speaker & author.

But education without implementation isn't worth jack, right?

We pair our Major Impact M.E.S.S.E.N.G.E.R. Framework education with a speaker and writing retreat, all designed to get the work DONE and take you from idea to implementation and from blank page to best seller, from audience to the stage.

We catapult you into category queen by finishing with a huge event, featuring YOU as a speaker on stage and celebrating all of the speakers/authors from the program with a fun book signing at the conference. (and alllll the content for you to have and use)!

Spots are limited!


Applications are officially open for contributing authors to RISE book and those who want to become certified speakers and speak at  the Rise conference.

​Become a platform powerhouse and apply TODAY!

Imagine what these platforms could do for you...

sneak peek
​at the book
​you'll be an author in

You will be a published author

You wont just learn how to tell your story on stage, you'll work with our writing coach and write your story in a way that will transform lives and contribute your story to our collaborative book.

​You wont just learn how to write, you'll become a published author with Arise Publishing House in our collaborative book named: "RISE: How to Find Your People, Power and Purpose on Your Journey to the Top."

​You wont just be an author: our aim (with the help of our book marketing experts at "Big Impact Books" and podcast tour) will guide our cohort of authors with marketing efforts to hit best seller...imagine your name with "Best Selling Author" next to it!

Leveraging a book is one of the quickest ways to become a Platform Powerhouse.

Be a published author, and with our collective marketing efforts, our aim is to hit best seller, including an amazing Book Signing at the final conference!

You will be a certified speaker - on stage!

You wont just be a speaker, you will become a certified speaker through our Major Impact M.E.S.S.E.N.G.E.R. Program.

You wont just be a certified speaker with no stage to stand on...we HAVE THE STAGE and a speaker spot with YOUR NAME on it at our Rise Conference on April 26th (where you'll also have an epic book signing table).

You wont just have the speaker certification and the stage to stand on, but you'll get the images & video of you speaking and signing your book to prove it

*(remember that your content must SHOW you as an expert, not just you telling someone about it).

​Imagine what that will do for your future & what doors it will open!

Be a certified speaker at The Rise Conference
​on April 26th in Boise, ID

sneak peek at the
​event you'll be speaking at

sneak peek
​at the
speaker/writing retreat

These photos are from our past retreats - AKA not our first rodeo and we KNOW how much time this saves. Think of this as immersion - kinda like how you could learn another language in a classroom but the quickest way is to be immersed into the culture of that language. It comes so much easier & faster.

You will get it  done quickly !

The great part about a retreat is that it will SAVE YOU TIME...all you have to do is pack your bag and show up (we've got the rest taken care of...the photographer, food, bubbly, beautiful retreat house, cameras, speaker practice sessions, video podcast studio, time to write your chapter in the book, and whatever else, taken care of and ready for you).

All you is show up and we will get what you need to get done, DONE.

No dragging this process out for years. There's no need for that.  Seriously.  We get it done in a weekend (including epic content for you to use).

Seriously. It's amazing.  The weekend of January 24-26th in Boise, ID

Spots are limited!


Applications are officially open for contributing authors to RISE book and those who want to become certified speakers and speak at  the Rise conference.

​Become a platform powerhouse and apply TODAY!

your guides & team of platform builders

Because we're not meant to do any of this alone (and because DONE FOR YOU > DIY), we've assembled an incredible team FOR YOU:

speaking coach and speaker certification, a writing coach, book editors, book marketing experts, publicist, mindset coaches, event planners, graphic designers, photographers, and a publisher.

Meet your team:

Charity Majors

Charity Majors is a founder, author, transformational speaker, author, podcaster, a connector, community builder, a prophetic voice, revivalist and leader that has impacted thousands of women, all around the world, hear to ignite their purpose, create community & connection, to become the leader’s they’re called to be.

Charity is the author of Meant For More; Igniting Your Purpose in a World That Tries to Dim Your Light, a #1 new release and #2 best seller, the Christian devotional "The Pathway to the Heart of the Father" as well as the creator of the popular 14-days to Unshakable Confidence Challenge.

She is a former TV host, the founder of Business & Bubbly, founder of Meant For More Ministries, host to the popular Podcast called "Meant For More", and the Business & Bubbly Podcast, and has been speaking, training, cultivating rooms of connection and facilitating transformational retreats, workshops, conferences, masterminds and events for over 15 years.

​Her favorite titles are “Babe” to her husband, Chris, and “Mama” to her son, Judah and rainbow baby Eden.

​She also is a recovering plant killer, a total book-nerd, loves to adventure around the world and doesn’t take herself too seriously (because there is enough serious stuff in this world and dance parties, messy buns with sweat pants are a must).

​One of her favorite days (besides the beautiful home birth of their son and daughter), was when her and her family went to Africa and gave over 100 pairs of shoes to orphans and under served children

Melanie Herschorn

Melanie Herschorn wants to help you step into your spotlight as an authority. A publisher and book marketing strategist for attorneys, wealth consultants, and business owners worldwide, she’s on a mission to empower authors to share their message with the world.

With her comprehensive background of over 20 years as a celebrity publicist, award-winning journalist in radio, print and TV, as well as a clothing designer and entrepreneur, Melanie is uniquely positioned to support authors to step into thought leadership and make a big impact with their book.

She earned a master's degree in journalism from the University of Southern California where she graduated first in her class. Melanie grew up in Canada has lived on both US coasts and now resides in Arizona with her husband, daughter and son, her dog Marty and her cat Phoebe.

​​Her new book, Make a Big Impact with Your Book, is available now.

In collaboration with:

**including the behind the scenes people like the photographers, event planners, editors, publicists, event decorators, book formatters, graphic designers, marketing experts and more!

what others are saying:

when you complete the program you will

  • Be a certified speaker through the Major Impact M.E.S.S.E.N.G.E.R. program
  • Speak on stage at The Rise Conference on April 26th, 2025
  • Be a published author with our collaborative co-author book.
  • Have loads of actual content, photos & video of you speaking ready for your audience and social media accounts.
  • ​Have an incredible circle of high-level influential women in your network
  • Be able to leverage your keynote (and content) to pitch and speak on other stages
  • Gain confidence (inside and out) and courage that you need to step out in a big way
  • Be a platform powerhouse that will allow you to leverage it for the growth of your business.
  • Skyrocket into "Category Queen" in 6 JUST months through speaking & becoming an author.
  • Have the confidence to own the room (whatever room) or stage you walk onto.
  • Experience the momentum that comes with an accelerator like this.
  • Become the well-known authority in your industry. Hands down.
  • Have FUN growing your influence, income and impact!

Spots are limited!


Applications are officially open for contributing authors to RISE book and those who want to become certified speakers and speak at  the Rise conference.

​Become a platform powerhouse and apply TODAY!

what's the schedule for the next 6 months?

This is a hybrid of online mentorship, an in-person retreat, online marketing & an in-person conference.

All the goodies you're gonna get

  • Speaker Training & Certification 
  • Writing Mentorship for Your Portion of the Book
  • Working with an Editor
  • Complete Done For You Book Publishing
  • All Inclusive Speaker/Writer Retreat 
  • Photos & Video from the Retreat
  • Podcast Tour
  • Marketing & Promotion for YOU as a speaker/author
  • Major Media Features through PR Agency & Press Releases
  • BONUS Copies of the Published Book for YOU (and can sell!)
  • BONUS VIP Ticket to the Rise Conference to gift to a friend
  • Speaker Spot at The Rise Conference
  • Book signing at The Rise Conference
  • Photos & Video of you Speaking & Signing Books
  • Become a Published Author 
  • An incredible circle of high-level influential women in your network
  • $14,997 Value
  • $5,997 Value
  • $5,997 Value
  • $14,997 Value
  • $9,997 Value
  • $5,997 Value
  • $5,997 Value
  • $9,997 Value
  • $14,997 Value
  • $997 Value
  • $997 Value


NORMALLY $19,997


​(early bird pricing and BONUSES available while supplies last)

Welp, there you have it.

​The full sha-bang AND the kitchen sink (but wait...act now and you'll also get a set of knives!) 😂 I kid, I kid.

​Now, I know what you may be thinking...

​"But Charity, do I really have the time to do this?"

​And I get it...you're busy...

​Doing all the little domino things trying to learn HOW to build the vehicle
 😬 (don't kill the messenger)...

Remember that DONE FOR YOU is better and faster than DIY.

​If you're really ready to fast track your journey (by yeeeaaarrrrssss)...not to mention the frustration of it all, then quit majoring in the minor things and let's knock down the BIG DOMINO for you!

This is the BEST BET you can make on you that will move the needle the most.


It's not (yet another) business strategy, sitting in the audience, building another funnel, trying a 6-figure launch or being in (yet another) mastermind room...

​It's LEADING the room.

​​And gosh dang-it:

Because you're worth it.

​And so are the lives that you're going to impact.

Stop making them wait for you to figure it out on your own and let's make some BIG BOLD MOVES TOGETHER.

​The world need what you carry.

​And now more than ever - in a divided and crazy world - we need LEADERS to step up...

We need YOU...

​We need your voice...

...your message...

​​...your story...

...the lessons you've learned so others don't have to learn them the hard way...

So what are you waiting for?

Apply for the ExpandHER Platform 6-month Speaker/Author Accelerator today while spots are still open.

And let's expand your platform to be a force that the world has been waiting for...

​...for just a time as this...

​Will I be seeing your application come through?? 

Spots are limited so please hurry...

​I can't WAIT to see you RISE...


- Charity

just in case you need a recap

  • Be a certified speaker through the Major Impact M.E.S.S.E.N.G.E.R. program.
  • Skyrocket into "Category Queen" in 6 months through leveraging speaking & becoming an author
  • Speak on stage at The Rise Conference on April 26th, 2025.
  • Be a published author with our collaborative co-author book.
  • Speaker & Writing Retreat January 24-26 in Boise, ID
  • Public Relations Media Promotion & Podcast Tour
  • Have loads of actual content, photos & video of you speaking ready for your audience and social media accounts
  • Have an incredible circle of high-level influential women in your network
  • Have FUN growing your influence, income and impact!

Spots are limited!


Applications are officially open for contributing authors to RISE book and those who want to become certified speakers and speak at  the Rise conference.

​Become a platform powerhouse and apply TODAY!