Sip sip hooray!   Welcome!

Founder, Charity Majors

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Please check your email inbox for your ticket and event information.
We're *bubbling* with excitement to connect with you and welcome you to the community!

While you wait for your email, check out some other goodies below...

Check it out...

Unshakable Confidence 14-Day Online Challenge

Are there areas of your life that could benefit if you grew your confidence? Have you ever wanted to be confident on the inside AND the outside? Have you ever seen someone walk into a room so confidently and you thought to yourself, “pssshhh, must be nice...wish I was that confident…”? Have you ever wanted to be more sure of yourself?

Then the 14-Days to Unshakable Confidence Challenge is for you!

Business & Bubbly Podcast

Think of this kinda like the "can I pick your brain" chats that you always wanted to have with those who are doing epic things + business besties + hype girls + getting into massive action towards your next big idea all in the same place…oh, and bubbly…because like bubbly, we RISE...

Grab a glass of your favorite tea, prosecco, or bubbly water or whatever your flavor is and let’s dive in… are you with me?

The Goal Getter Planner and Journal

The ultimate goal planner for achieving your aspirations and dreams. This planner was designed to help you set and achieve your goals with ease.

The planner includes yearly, monthly, weekly and daily goal planning templates that will help you stay on track and focused throughout the year..

Set long term goals and map out your plan for achieving them.